Curate-It provides you with all you need to know to implement your own screening event, film series or film festival. We want to make knowledge about film curation easily accessible within a digital space, and have created an eight-step programme to teach you about film theory, film curation and the practical and logistical elements needed to create film events.The eight steps – Watch-it, Analyse-it, Curate-It, Finance-it, Market-it, Execute-it, Evaluate-it and Screen-it – consist of written information, activities, tailored reading lists and videos featuring film experts sharing their knowledge. While learning the processes and practices of film curation the app also allows you to: Jot down ideas: The Notebook function contains all completed activities and allows you to add your own ideas and notes as you move through the course. Chat to other users: You can use messenger to share ideas and information with other users undertaking the programme, possibly leading to collaborations. Screen your film online: Our Screen-it platform provides you with the option to show your curated film or film programme publicly online at the end of the course. The programme is aimed at beginners or those with intermediate knowledge. At the end of the course, you will be able to:• Critically analyse films you want to curate. • Understand the theories and practices of film curation.• Negotiate rights to films.• Develop marketing strategies.• Create budgets and funding applications.• Implement screenings and events.• Monitor and evaluate events.• Screen events online or in real life.